Beaver Builder Child Theme


Estimated reading: 1 minute

Toolbox for Beaver Builder is a WordPress plugin that allows you to add your custom fields anywhere in your layout. Using just two modules, you are able to do everything you have ever dreamed about, as you type it.

But Toolbox will also allows you to add everything using shortcodes, so you can also use Toolbox on websites that don’t run on Beaver Builder.

Custom field solutions

Toolbox is currently compatible with the following custom field solutions:

Toolbox supports all available field types. And with that, we mean literally ALL field types. You can get results for fields like repeaters, relationships, flexible content (ACF), but also fields like groups, user meta, tables and relationships (Meta Box) without breaking a sweat.

Fields of any type

You can get custom field from the current post, another post, admin options, Meta Box custom user tables. You name it, we can do it.

Re-usable templates

Save and re-use complex templates so you can implement the same logic over and over again. And if something changes, be able to change it in just one place instead of having to edit every single module.

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