Beaver Builder Child Theme

Introducing advanced features

Estimated reading: 1 minute

Toolbox can be used to drag the fields into your layout, but what *really* happens when you do this? Each field value is passed through one or more filters to get to the rendered output. With the settings for each fieldtype you can change that outcome as you would with other modules.

Add your own settings

But you can also add your own attributes, settings and output to any field’s output. Or you can remove attributes, settings and output. You decide. Get creative.

Create your own Conditionals

You can add your own settings and filters for Conditionals so that they appear on the *Toolbox tab, or add filters in your functions.php and include the hookname to your conditional to conditionally stop a node from rendering.

Third party fields

You can also add third party fieldtypes, like the ACF Table Field, the Colorpicker Field or Youtube Picker Field to easily drag them into your layout using the ACF Field Module.

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Introducing advanced features

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